Untitled, 1972. Colored pencil and graphite on paper. 14 x 17 in. 

De Medici, 1972. Colored pencil and graphite on paper. 14 x 17 in.

Balancing, 1972. Rayons, cheesecloth, cord, and acrylic rods. 126 x 108 in. 

Hroswitha, 1972-73. Flannel, rayon, nylon netting, fiberglass rayon, ribbon, dyes, wood, and acrylic paint. 116 x 69 x 11 in. 

Galla Placidia, 1973. Satin, rayon, nylon, cheesecloth, nylon netting, ribbon, dyes, wood, and acrylic paint. 108 x 120 x 60 in. 

Portae, 1974. Wood, aluminum, fiberglass, and oil paint. 105 x 204 x 69 in. 

Untitled (Portae), 1974. Watercolor on paper. 20 x 26 in. 

Untitled, 1975. Colored pencil and ink on paper. 40 x 30 in.

Documentation of Spell, April 8, 1977. Balloons, helium, paint, fabric, and rope. Farmer’s Market, Jamaica, New York.

Poster for Spell, 1977. Photocopied drawing, ink on paper. 11 x 8.5 in.

Documentation of Some Days in April, week of April 17, 1978. Balloons, helium, paint, fabric, rope, and wooden rodsProperty of Bruce Kurtz, Hartwick, New York.

Some Days in April, 1978. Colored pencil, pen, and graphite on paper. 26 x 40 in.

Documentation of Balloon for a Birthday, November 7, 1978. Balloon, helium, paint, rope, and metallic streamers. Rooftop of 461 Park Avenue, New York, New York.

Connections, 1978, Colored pencil and graphite on paper. 20 x 26 in.

Untitled (Roof Tent), 1978. Graphite, colored pencil, charcoal on paper. 26 x 35.25 in. 

Untitled (Tent on Wheels), 1980. Graphite, colored pencil, and watercolor on paper. 42 x 54 in. 

Documentation of Moon Tent: Installation with paper on the roof pavilion of the Hobbs House, Lansing, New York, in celebration of the full moon: October 2-3, 1982, 6:43 p.m. to 5:27 a.m.

Banner for a Full Moon Celebration, 1981. Watercolor on paper. 14.25 x 10.25 in.

Documentation of Snow People, February, 1979. Snow, wood, and paint. Garden of the Lenox Library, Lenox, Massachusetts.

Untitled (Snow Person), 1979. Graphite on paper. 26 x 37.5 in.

Documentation of Cassiopeia, 1981. Wood, ribbons, and paper. Installed in the group exhibition Words and Images at the Renaissance Society, Chicago, Illinois, February 1981. 

Scarecrow, 1978-79. Wood, rope, and fabrics. 36 x 34 x 34 in. 

Banner for 41st Street Ghost, 1980. Paint, fabric, and wood.  Installed at the Times Square Show, New York, New York, June, 1980. 

From In Time Order, 1978. 12 works: colored pencil, ink, and collaged photographs on paper, 23.75 x 18 in. 

From In Time Order, 1978. 12 works: colored pencil, ink, and collaged photographs on paper. 23.75 x 18 in. 

Icy, Dark Broke, 1983. Watercolor and colored pencil on paper. 30 x 22 in. 

Noon Has No Shadows, 1983. Watercolor and colored pencil on paper. 30 x 22 in.

Now with a Whole Skin, 1983. Watercolor on paper. 22 x 30 in.